are cell color is mainly partly removes spheroplast stain wall are can color gram is mainly stain can cell color gram is partly removes spheroplast stain wall all are color is mainly stain all are cell color is partly removes spheroplast stain wall all are can color gram is stain all are color is stain are cell color consists is mainly stain wall cell color consists is partly removes spheroplast stain wall can cell color consists gram is stain wall all are cell color consists is stain wall are can cell gram mainly partly removes spheroplast stain wall all are cell mainly partly removes spheroplast wall all are can gram mainly stain all are mainly are cell consists mainly partly removes spheroplast wall are can cell consists gram mainly stain wall all are cell consists mainly wall all are can cell gram partly removes spheroplast stain wall all are cell partly removes spheroplast wall can cell consists gram partly removes spheroplast stain wall all are cell consists partly removes spheroplast wall all are can gram stain all are can cell consists gram stain wall all are cell consists wall attached braun cell consists contains proteins wall attached composed consists do gram have is not stain can do gram have is not stain can do have not can gram have is stain looks negative positive using bound consists is which aids all are consists all are can consists have aids can consists have aids all are can have all are can gram shape stain all are can gram have stain all are can have shape can gram have shape stain can cell color gram is stain wall can cell color completely gram is protoplast removes stain wall cell color completely is protoplast removes stain wall can cell completely gram is protoplast removes stain wall aids are can have mainly all are has serve sometimes which always consists has sometimes attached braun cell consists formation prevents proteins wall bound consists has can composed have found many on single bound can has used can gram is is it stain which why can is is it stain which why can is is it normally which why can gram is is it normally stain which why can is is it normally stain which why can gram stain can gram is normally stain can is normally stain can generally have stain using